We’ve answered the most common questions below. Reach out if we can help answer any others!


Email us at: hello@flyingcarrots.com

  • Every morning, you’ll get a text from us with your video link of the day. Dual language offices will get the video in both English and Spanish versions.

    We send out video links by automated text message:

    • Video links are sent to the cell number you provide during signup - that can be you, your office manager, or office staff

    • Video links are sent at the time of day you select during signup - usually 7AM or 8AM

    Most companies put someone on the office staff in charge of getting the daily video so they can immediately forward it to staff as part of their daily routine

  • It’s no different from sharing a link with a friend. Better yet, you won’t have to write an intro message at all - we’ll send the messages to you in the right format so you can just forward them along to your team.

    For example, here’s what our texts might look like:


    “Here's your video for today! 😊

    To watch the video, click here:


    Things that Drive Customers Crazy in the Kitchen


    You can forward this entire message with the video link straight to your team list.

    Here’s how:

    Click and hold down the text message, click on the “Forward” arrow and select your team list from your Text contacts that pop up, then press send. Done!

    You can also click and hold down the text message, select “Copy,” and then paste the message into whatever app you use to communicate with your team.

    It’s that easy!

  • Most offices send them out first thing in the morning, as staff are arriving, and before they head out for the day.

    Many watch in groups together, connecting over a quick sip of coffee. This is also a good time for you or your office manager to check in with them - it gives you something to connect with them about, and starts the day off on the right note.

    Staff surveyed also prefer getting videos first thing in the morning.

  • Our curriculum is tailored around the hot items and key issues faced by cleaning companies. The things customers call about or mention on surveys. The common oversights and mistakes. The things you’re always reminding staff about. Our content is also designed to motivate, to keep staff positive, feeling appreciated and engaged.

    Each week, you’ll get a mix of skills videos and motivational videos:

    • 2-3 new Hard & Soft skills videos each week with live-action demos, reminders, and tips

    • Topics include key cleaning skills, tools and techniques, room presentation, quality checks, customer etiquette, positive mindset, confidence, and more!

    Our curriculum is designed around the principles of “spaced repetition” to reinforce learning and retention.

    We repeat topics often, in different formats, and at planned intervals, to make learning stick.

    We also cycle through our videos, starting at the point the "forgetting curve" kicks in - at around 2 months - to keep information fresh in their minds. We've found that staff find it helpful to see the same videos they've seen before, and gain more of a sense of mastery after repeat views. So while we keep your content fresh, we balance it with enough repetition to reinforce learning and make it stick.

  • During this phase of our launch, tracking is not offered. We know companies want to track engagement levels, so this isn’t ideal. But what we learned in our pilots and beta testing, was that most offices didn’t have time to learn how to use the tracking Dashboard, or track staff performance at all.

    We’re building new capabilities that will feed you summary-level data without you having to do the work! We’ll share updates on that with you soon and seek your input too.

    In the meantime, we’re suggesting a number of different ways for offices to track staff engagement.

    This includes options like:

    • Asking staff to snap a picture of something they did that day related to the video and post it in your team chat or in a private text

    • Asking staff to answer a question about the video in the team chat or in a private text

    • Asking staff to make their own video to demonstrate a skill they learned or a tip they used that week

    • Asking staff to post a message to teammates or their manager with their thoughts about the video of the day

    • Asking staff for other tips they would share about the topic shown in the video that matter to customers, but that weren’t covered in the video

    • Giving staff small bonus awards like Dunkin Donuts gift cards for showing their participation

    • These are just a start! We’ve got lots more and will happily share them with you.

  • We think so.

    Our product works more like a job aid and is meant to be used as a regular, ongoing part of the job.

    We’ve found that when staff know this is important to you, they’re willing to get over the aversion to something new and do it. Just like consistency is what you’re after for your business, it’s also what makes training a success. It’s important to build these habits for success. If staff see that you’re consistent with training and that it matters to you, they’ll care about it too.

  • We’ve found that it’s important to make training something everyone participates in and gets recognized for doing.

    And did we mention… consistency is key!

    Putting some happy energy into talking about it will go a long way to getting staff to want to participate.

    Some of the things that have worked best include:

    • Letting your team know with some excitement about this great new kind of training you’re starting. We’ve got a script we’ll provide you with that you can follow.

    • Running a weekly Raffle with prizes ranging from small to as large as you want for participation. We’ve got templates you can use for Raffles too.

    • Taking some time each week to personally mention something about the videos to staff, and use it as an opportunity to connect. One of the big surprise outcomes from our training was how much it helped bring teams together, especially when there are language barriers.

    • And doing the engagement activities mentioned in the section above. We’ll also share a set of these with you.

  • Every office does things a little differently.

    When a video shows something you do a little differently, we suggest adding a short note to your text to staff about it. For example: “Remember, we never use a magic eraser on oven hoods! Use your cloth instead!” You can even ask them to share their own experiences about it.

    Sometimes instances like this offer the best learning opportunities. They give staff a chance to really think about the topic and why you do it differently. This goes a long way to help the concept really set in and stick, which is what you’re after.

    You can also try out our custom options:

    It’s common for companies to need some customization. Whether it’s to show a different type of duster, or mop, or how to put gas in your cars, we’re happy to help create that for you.

    We offer professional services packages to help you meet those needs. Reach out and ask us how we can help.

  • Usually, yes. But during our promotional period, no, it’s just one flat rate for a monthly or annual plan. So take advantage of locking in these low rates now!

    And while we want you to share videos with all of your staff, we don’t allow videos to be sent to anyone who’s not on your payroll.

  • We’re in beta, so our prices reflect that. Like all good businesses, we’re working to improve our product to meet your needs. While we make updates to our platform, we still want to make our videos available to you so you can get the benefits we know you’ll value. We aren’t offering tracking and certain other features while we make platform updates. So we’ve adjusted our pricing accordingly. We’re confident you’ll see the value in the videos even without the tracking!

  • Our subscriptions are for one year.

    On our annual plan, you can cancel within the first 14 days and receive a full refund.

    On our monthly plan, you can cancel any time before your next payment cycle kicks in.

  • For service-related issues and other questions, email us and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours.

    Email us at hello@flyingcarrots.com

    We also offer a number of supplemental support tools to help you run your training program, including templates and best practice activities you can use (see items mentioned above on tracking and encouraging staff participation).

Sign up now and start getting results that last!